Read the whole story from 1492 to now!
- The Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- The End of Human Sacrifice and the Conversions of Millions
- Saint Juan Diego, Protector of the Indigenous Peoples
- Blessed Pope John Paul II's Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- The New Evangelization with the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Signs, Wonders, Conversions and Miracles
- Hope with the Protectress of the Unborn and the Mother of Hope
"This book will instruct, encourage and inspire a wide variety of people in the Church and outside the Church. You may be a pro-life activist looking for signs of progress. You may be a priest seeking new ways to call your people to a deeper faith.You may be a son or daughter of the Virgin Mary eager to find new ways to honor her. You may be someone considering abortion or wounded by it, and looking for hope. You may be away from the Church looking for a way back or someone without any background in Catholicism but interested in finding out more. Whoever you are, give this book some of your time, and it will repay you abundantly.” Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life