"A collection of short biographies of the Saints and the Beatified of America, which can shed light on and stimulate the response to the universal call to holiness in America.” (Pope John Paul II, The Church in America).
“This book is a wonderful contribution to appreciate the rich spiritual heritage we possess in the lives of so many heroic men and women of America. Dan Lynch traces the historical development, both secular and religious, through the centuries:
- Catholic Explorers and Missionaries courageously spread the faith!
The soil for sanctity is enriched by the blood of Martyrs!
Individual Saints help mold the Church in America and significantly influence the beginning and growth of the States!
- The Church continues to harvest rich fruits of sanctity!
Dan Lynch has produced a very enjoyable, enriching and inspiring book. It challenges us to do in our times what these holy men and women did in their own.” - Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR
This is what some of our readers had to say about the Saints of the States book:
Carol Simonds
5 out of 5 stars Surprisingly different
I expected a book with chapters of different saints born in the States; this book is not like other saint books. This book starts with how America was evangelized and continues through Our Lady of America. It is fascinating to read and I highly recommend it to everyone.
A.L. from Colorado
4 out of 5 stars Excellent
Saints are list by historical timeline of USA, Canada & Mexico which is very helpful understanding Catholic history in the Americas.