“I have had the privilege of studying the Jesus King of All Nations
revelations with great care. This study has left me no doubts, not even minor, concerning the authenticity of these revelations as revelations directly dictated by Jesus to his Secretary and the truth of their content as a remedy for the imminent chastisement under way.” Father Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM Conv.
“I believe that Dan Lynch has done us a great service in linking historical facts and prophetic revelations over the past two centuries with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and of the Roman Pontiffs about what is being manifested in our own era. He illustrates very well that the teaching of Pius XI in Quas Primas, on the Kingship of Christ, is more highly relevant than ever and that it accords remarkably with the (private) revelations on Jesus King of All Nations.
“It seems impossible to me to escape the conclusion that we are at a very crucial stage in the Church and in the United States and in the world. The Devotion to Jesus King of All Nations certainly seems to be a divinely-ordained remedy for our present chaotic situation.”
Monsignor Arthur Calkins, Mariologist and named Chaplain of His Holiness and Prelate of Honor of His Holiness
“Dan Lynch has done a masterful job to summarize not only the critical times we are living, but the even more critical response needed. One way or another, the world will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord.”
Mark Mallett, Evangelist and Author, The Final Confrontation
“What Dan presents to us is not the Eschatology of Despair promoted today by a few, but rather he prophetically proclaims the same thing Pope Pius XI did almost 100 years ago in Quas Primas: Our Lord Jesus Christ is the King of All Nations, and we must acknowledge him as such so as to hasten his Reign on earth.”
Daniel O’Connor, Professor of Philosophy and Author, The Crown of History and The Crown of Sanctity