We are living in the end-times, but not at the end of the world. It is a time when God will once again enter into history through signs, miracles, warnings, and chastisements.
These will make the reality of God and His truth self-evident for all souls and give humanity an opportunity to choose between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan.
My books will teach you how to choose well.
Those who repent, convert, and survive the chastisements (the remnant) will live in the Era of Peace. “When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” (Proverbs 10:25).
Jesus King of All Nations gave revelations to His "Secretary", the mystic of His Devotion. His revelations are contained in the book I Will Sing of Mercy: The Journal of the Secretary of the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion, commonly called The Journal. To obtain a copy of The Journal, please click HERE, and for all of my other books, please click HERE.
In His messages to all nations, Jesus King of All Nations said:
- Your pride blinds you to your God. Pride blinds! They think they see and know the truth, but what they perceive is smoke, it is all falsehood. Wake up, my children! I offer you the very light of life! The most pure and radiant light who is truth! I myself AM the light of truth and the truth of light! (Journal265).
- Awake! Lift up your heads, my people! Do you not see the signs all around you?! A great catastrophe is about to befall you! (Journal664). Great is the chastisement that is ready to descend upon this sinful world to correct the consciences of individuals and the conscience of mankind as a whole! (Journal 366).
- Wake up, my people! Come to the foot of my throne to receive mercy, peace, and forgiveness. Come to receive protection from what is soon to come upon the world. (December 10, 2021)